Websites: WHY & HOW User Experience Matter the MOST!
Websites: WHY & HOW User Experience Matter the MOST!
Homepages are like a digital welcome sign that greets people who visit your site. It’s the very first impression customers or visitors have of you and your brand. Having a stunning design is not enough if you want to keep visitors coming back to your website. You need to have a homepage that provides uninterrupted browsing and good user experience.
Keep It Simple
Keeping your homepage’s layout clean and simple is important. If your site has tons of info, images, widgets, call-to-action, links and other clutter, it can distract and overwhelm your site visitors, ultimately sending them to the ”back” button and bounce away from your site.
Try to keep things simple for your homepage by using easy-to-read text; believe in the idea that white space and unused areas really are fine.
The Power of Large, Concise Headlines
Headlines attract eyeballs because users want to see exactly what the page is about. A good headline clearly tells what a business or website has to offer. It may consist of only a few words, but it’s one of the most important pieces of copy on your website. You save every visitor time.
Prove Your Credential
Visitors or customers want to know that you’re trusted. You can use your homepage to establish trust with them. There’s no better way than having social proof such as testimonials or a list of reviews. Bear in mind that 81% of shoppers conduct online research before buying.
Cut Unnecessary Text
Most people are visual and they prefer images over texts. So, cut as much as text as you can and make useful content more prominent. Compile the essential information your audience needs to find; know what they’re looking for to accomplish their tasks.
Provide Good Experience
Make sure that your website provide good navigation and clear menu throughout your site. Your objective is to make things simple and easy for your visitors to find what they are looking for. Visitors will not come back to your site if they are unable to find what they’re looking for and find it difficult to surf your site.
Focus On Your Site Visitors
When you start to build a website, remember that you’re not building a website for yourself but for your visitors and potential customers. It is important to think from your website visitors’ perspective. Depending on your industry, some require lots of information, but the vast majority might not. Instead, they are looking for solutions to their problems.