Credit Card Payment
If you wish to pay online by VISA or Master credit cards, you can do it during placing your order or from your Control Panel.
1. Login to your control panel (
2. Click Billing >> My Invoices
3. Click Invoice you wish to pay
4. Choose “Credit Card/Paypal” and Click “Pay Now” button and follow instructions.
If you have valid credit card details stored in your billing account, payment will be auto-charged for any unpaid invoices. Please be reminded to remove your credit card details from your billing account if you do not wish to have auto-payment.
If you are paying by credit card from outside of Singapore, kindly download and complete the Credit Card Authorization Form (CC_Auth_Form.pdf) Fax a copy of this completed form together with your passport to +65 65090055. Please specify your direct phone number which we can call to verify your identity. Credit card payment will be checked and processed within 2 business days from the date of receiving all supporting documents. Upon successful clearance of payment, service will be activated and you will be notified via email.
As for payment via PayPal gateway, kindly complete the PayPal Authorization Form (PayPal-Charge-Authorization-Form.pdf) and email to us at