TURN your website to a TRAFFIC MAGNET!

We all know that. It’s not easy to ask someone to visit your website. In addition, getting web quality traffic is one of the challenges faced by many businesses today.

Certainly, the primary goal of every website is getting traffic before it can achieve further goals such as getting leads, customer data, customer trust, conversion, sales and revenue, repeat visit and sales etc.

Check out the 4 SUREFIRE ways to drive traffic to your website!

#1 Make good use of OFFERS

There are more than 1 billion websites in the world and no one will visit a site for no reason. You need to have a good reason for people to like you and want to find out about your business. Things you can do are giving  away free trials, promotions, special discounts, promo codes, free guide/advice, or something that provide value to your visitors.

#2 Use a memorable URL

You will have the upperhand if you have a URL that is easy-to-remember. If you have a complicated website URL that is hard to spell and remember, more often than not, people who want to visit your website will just give up before they even reach your website. It’s also highly recommended to have a memorable keyword in your URL so that people can Google your website using the memorable keywords when they forget your URL.

Remember, your URL should be short, and preferably has at least a keyword that is related to what you are offering on your website.

#3 The Power of Headlines

There are simply too many choices on the internet. If you advertise on Google/Facebook, a clear and attractive headline is what will get people to pay attention to your ad and click on it. Focus on writing a headline that is able to pique curiosity, provide benefits, solutions and value so that it can help you to bring traffic to your website. However, bear in mind that your headlines must be related to your content, marketing and the offering on your website so that you can convert your visitors into real customers, and decreases the bounce rates at the same time.


#4 Do Tracking and Analytics

You have tried many ways to get traffic to your site, but is there a way to know which method is working? The best approach to find out the most effective method, so that you can focus on it/them, is to track your clicks, bounce rates and the conversion rates. This can be done using Google Analytics, which allows you to monitor your marketing campaigns and results besides providing you with a very clear picture on your efforts and also the traffic sources.

So here you go. The 4 surefire ways to turn your website to a traffic magnet. In fact, there is another effective way that we haven’t revealed. Click here to find out.