Introducing the Amazing Features of Plesk Onyx

Plesk has introduced Plesk Onyx, the latest version of Plesk. It is a leading WebOps platform to automate, run and grow applications or websites easily and efficiently.

It’s worth mentioning that this version focuses on the needs of web professionals and developers, and comes with added features such as Docket support, Git Deploy, System Update tools, Linux Cgroup limits, SSL Improvements, DNSSec Support, Plesk Extension SDK, Ruby Support, Phyton Support and many more.

Features of Plesk Onyx:

  • Easily deploy your website content. Push to a local Git repository or pull from a remote one.
  • Use Git Hub, BitBucket, Travis or any other software engineering service of your choice.
  • Create multiple branches in a single repository for separating staging from the production code.
  • Manually deploy for total control or save precious time with automatic deployment.


Benefits of Using Plesk Onyx

Plesk Onyx increases speed and productivity. It makes your life easier and helps to save time with its auto integration function. It also helps developers and designers to increase their revenue by improving their workflow, and reducing dependency on third parties. The added security also gives Plesk users an absolute peace of mind with the power of automation.


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